halloween hostess cupcakes

i don’t usually dress up for halloween anymore but i absolutely loved dressing up for halloween when i was younger.

one of my favorite halloween memories is when one year, my best friend, saskia and i came up with an awesome idea to dress up as fruit of the loom fruit.  it was hilarious!  i was the grapes and she was the apple, and then we wore (brand new, clean!) tighty whities on our heads.  pretty much a mess!  but it was so much fun.  i wish i had a digital copy of the picture so you could see the amazing-ness of our costume.  but i’m now thinking it’s probably better that i don’t because it would be quite embarrassing.  haha.

anyway, so on to the cupcakes – all week i’ve been trying to figure out what kind of cupcakes to make for halloween.  it was kind of game time decision to make halloween hostess cupcakes.  they are just like my homemade hostess cupcakes but the filling and the frosting is dyed orange.

i also saw this great idea online to write out “boo” with the frosting.  perfect for halloween!

and then when you bite into the cupcake – surprise orange marshmallow filling!

happy halloween!!!

for the recipe, please visit my post on homemade hostess cupcakes.  thanks!