kermit cupcakes

so remember my really nice and thoughtful colleague who sent me the mini egg muffin recipe?  well it’s her birthday today!  yay!  so last week, another one of my colleagues came up with a fabulous idea and suggested that i make her kermit cupcakes.  she really likes kermit the frog and has a bunch of super fun kermit collectibles in her office.  perfect!

these kermit cupcakes are funfetti cupcakes with vanilla buttercream decorated with a fondant kermit.  i used the homemade fondant recipe that i made a while back and then cut out and formed a whole bunch of kermits.  also, don’t worry i didn’t color in the eyes with a sharpie or something, i actually used a food coloring marker.  it took some trial and error but i think they turned out pretty good, especially considering the fact that this is the second time that i used fondant and the first time i actually tried to model fondant into a character.  what do you think?

here are some snapshots my kermit making adventures…