diy recipe book

until today, this is what my cookbook/recipe area looked like:

an absolute mess!  i had a ton of recipe printouts just piled on each other and it was completely impossible to find anything.  every time i tried to find a recipe i would get frustrated because i couldn’t find it, so i would just end up printing it out again.  not good.

but then i remembered this amazing idea that chris’ mom showed me.  she keeps all of her recipe printouts in a binder using sheet protectors.  genius!  so this past weekend, i picked up a big binder, a bunch of plastic sheet protectors, and a pack of dividers.

i organized my recipes into different categories (side dishes, breakfast, main dishes, yeast breads, and desserts) and now they are all nice and neat.  yay!  oh and i keep a few extra sheet protectors in each section to make it easy to add more recipes later.

i love that the plastic sheet protectors keep the recipes from getting dirty and covered in flour, butter, etc.  if you happen to spill anything you can easily wipe it off.

isn’t this wonderful!  i’m guessing i’m not the only one with recipes all over the place – so i would definitely suggest making your own recipe book.  it’s the perfect way to keep your recipes organized.

and ta da!  look how much better my cookbook/recipe area looks.  so excited!

kermit cupcakes

so remember my really nice and thoughtful colleague who sent me the mini egg muffin recipe?  well it’s her birthday today!  yay!  so last week, another one of my colleagues came up with a fabulous idea and suggested that i make her kermit cupcakes.  she really likes kermit the frog and has a bunch of super fun kermit collectibles in her office.  perfect!

these kermit cupcakes are funfetti cupcakes with vanilla buttercream decorated with a fondant kermit.  i used the homemade fondant recipe that i made a while back and then cut out and formed a whole bunch of kermits.  also, don’t worry i didn’t color in the eyes with a sharpie or something, i actually used a food coloring marker.  it took some trial and error but i think they turned out pretty good, especially considering the fact that this is the second time that i used fondant and the first time i actually tried to model fondant into a character.  what do you think?

here are some snapshots my kermit making adventures…




after a wonderful weekend away in maine, we came home to a bare kitchen.   we needed bread for the week but i wasn’t quite sure what kind of bread i wanted to make.  i knew i didn’t want to rolls or buns, so i was thinking of making a loaf of bread.  but i also wasn’t quite in the mood for regular sandwich bread.  finally, after searching online i decided to make challah.  it’s was described as sturdy but tender and very versatile.  perfect!  it was exactly what i was looking for.  plus it was so pretty with the double braids.  fortunately the challah turned out to taste as good as it looks and the description of the challah was spot on.  it may be one of my favorite bread recipes that i’ve made so far.  yay!

side note: living in the city without a car, i don’t have access to many baking/kitchen shops or even just walmart where i can easily get baking supplies.  i usually have to rely on what bed, bath, and beyond has or order stuff online.  well this weekend, i was finally able to stock up and pick up some baking supplies including meringue powder (to make royal icing), food color gels, lollipop sticks, piping tips, and more.  i’m so excited to try out some new recipes since i actually have the supplies i need.  anyway, another thing that i picked up was a rolling mat.  i used it today when i made the challah and i absolutely love it.  it makes clean up so much easier, plus i don’t need a ruler anymore because there are all the measurements i need right on the mat.  amazing!




cookie dough ice cream

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yesterday when tammy came over she brought along an ice cream maker that she is borrowing from someone else.  soooo exciting!  i love love love ice cream (i know, that’s how much i love ice cream) and was so excited to have a chance to try to make my own.  i was originally going to make cookies and creme ice cream but then my boyfriend requested cookie  dough.  so i searched online for ice cream recipes and decided to combine a vanilla custard ice cream base and eggless cookie dough to make our own cookie dough ice cream.  it turned out really good, super rich and creamy with delicious chunks of cookie dough.  i think i’m hooked.  it’s been lots of fun thinking of other kinds of ice cream we can make.  i think i may have to get an ice cream maker of my own.


lots and lots of cupcakes

my coworker asked me to make him some cupcakes to bring to the last class of a course he’s teaching this semester.  he requested funfetti with vanilla buttercream and cookies and creme cupcakeshere they are ready to bring to work tomorrow:

if you follow my blog, you may remember my last attempt at funfetti cupcakes.  it was quite sad panda.  fortunately, this time it worked out really well and i actually had more than enough frosting for all of the cupcakes.  i don’t understand… oh well.  i’m just glad they turned out much better than last time.

my coworker only needed 24 cupcakes for his class, so i used some of the extra batter to try out these awesome  “teacupcake” cups that another coworker gave to me for christmas.  check these out, they are super duper cute!

these would be perfect for a little girls tea party but even as a 20 some year old, i love them!  🙂

there were still lots of cupcakes leftover so my boyfriend is bringing some to work tomorrow and i’ll probably bring a few to share with other people in the office too.  yay, cupcakes for everyone!